Kaylee C Pickett

I can't wait to support you on your journey to lifelong health & wellness.

Aches and pains, digestive discomfort, headaches, brain fog, and fatigue are signs of a body out of balance. I look at the root cause of these symptoms. I use whole foods, supplements, mindset, and physical movement to restore the body & mind to its most healthful state. 


Meet Kaylee 

Nutrition Therapy Master, no stranger to the battle between body, mind, and diet.

I understand the challenges of constant digestive issues, brain fog, fatigue, and headaches. I have struggled to pull myself out of the dark and twisty place of my mind that believed long term health just wasn't for me.

It took over a year of doctor’s visits, misdiagnoses, and a great deal of physical and emotional discomfort before my physician discovered I’d developed two autoimmune diseases: Hashimoto’s and Celiac. Both require a strict gluten-free diet. I was a teenager at the time. Suddenly, I had to become diligent and thoughtful when making food choices. My health, well-being, and life depended on it. 

Since then, I have continually sought greater understanding of the delicate relationship between food and whole-body well-being. It has taken a lot of practice in both attitude and action to give my body what it truly needs. 

Today, I'm trained in holistic nutrition therapy. I match my own experience with comprehensive training and knowledge in whole foods, supplements, functional testing, mindset, physical movement, and more.

I understand the importance of solutions that match the individual. I'll work with you to create a unique and adaptable nutrition, lifestyle, and mindset program that works for YOU today, tomorrow, and long into your future.

My Story

Celiac Disease and Hashimoto's thyroid disease. Gluten-free diet. A body and mind at war.

I really struggled with the gluten-free diet my doctor prescribed. I felt limited and frustrated. I felt “other” - family dinners, birthday parties, aprés, and lunch with friends were all colored by what I couldn’t eat. So I cheated. All the time. A cookie here, a slice of pizza there. What was the big deal, anyway?

I didn’t understand how these foods affected my body or my mind.

It wasn’t until college that I completely eliminated gluten from my diet. It took months for the inflammation to resolve and for my body to heal. When it did, my mind cleared. I could focus, I had energy, I could retain information like never before. I’d always hated exercise, but suddenly my body craved movement. 

I spent years learning what my body needed. I made tons of mistakes. But over time, I learned the importance of proper nutrition and a happy, healthy body, mind, and soul.

It took a decade for me to understand my body’s relationship to the food I ate. I didn’t fully become myself until I changed my diet. I look back at my younger self with compassion and empathy: she simply didn’t know any better. 

 Kaylee C Pickett, NTM

I became a Nutrition Therapist Master because I believe so strongly in sharing this knowledge. Each of our bodies have unique biochemistry. The food on our plate, the environment we live in, and the thoughts in our minds all affect our health. 

I provide nutrition counseling that helps you become your fullest, healthiest, most vibrant self. 

It’s not about following a specific diet or limiting yourself. It’s about understanding. It's about balance. It's about listening to your body.

I'll teach you how to understand nutrients, understand food, understand how your body works, and understand what you need to feel your best. 

Your body already knows what it needs. I provide the roadmap and the tools to help you listen.


I see recipes more like "guidelines"

I love to experiment and adapt the food to how I'm feeling and what I'm craving!

I love to rock climb and backcountry ski

I fuel these adventures with nutrient dense, delicious snacks.

I'm a potter. I made my whole dinner set from scratch

I love sharing meals on plates I created from mud.

You deserve to live in a way that feels aligned with your body, mind, and soul's deepest needs, desires, and dreams.


I'm Ready!

KCP Nutrition offers health, fitness, lifestyle, and general, non-medical nutritional information. This includes, without limitation, advice and recommendations that are provided solely for general education and informational purposes. KCP Nutrition does not diagnose, cure, heal, prescribe, or manage any disease or condition. 

Use of the advice and information contained herein is at your sole choice and risk. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any program that includes recommendations about food, exercise, or use of dietary supplements.Â